#68 = Script and storyboard on progress

The script was complete, I sent it out already and waiting for the translation. 

The story doesn't change much from the pitch. It is about the Kaiju and the Hero. I will not go through the background setting from the film. (Edit: From the formative feedback, seems it is a correct choice to not bring back the bulky settings to the film.)  

The film will start with the introduction of the character visually, I want to let the audience know how does the character look like first, then it will come up with some small interaction of both characters as a little warm. They did not actually stay very close to each other during this phase (one in the kitchen and one in the living room.) Their closer interaction will be on the sofa when they have their meal, there will begin to have some mirroring action and more conversation between. 

The third part will be a story told to be the Kaiju, Ren. Placing this in this part is kind of gambling, as in normal storytelling, this should be the climax, but I consider it an "ordinary day" type of theme needs one. Sure, without it the film might sound plain and the story comes a little bit odd. Despite the considerations, I will briefly introduce the story first, it's the story of a Great Kaiju which our main character Ren, admire a lot. The story mainly leads to the things both characters are escaping from, and the reason they could live together, is they have something similar, the responsibility they do not want to face.

The final part will back to their interaction, but more focusing on the emotional interaction. I have thought about two endings, one is they will begin their new days, as usual; the second one is a solution-type of ending, they face their responsibility and there is nothing more to escape from, which means they have no longer similar, and the story will end by they breaking up, going to a different path.